The project will development training and monitoring systems for graders and regulations on the commercial use of the grade "trademark". 此项目将为评级人员开发培训和监督系统,开发评级“商标”商业使用上的规则。
The problems in the commercial paper market, which is only open to investment grade companies, will reopen fears that the current liquidity crunch is spreading from the housing market and the financial sector to other parts of the US economy. 商业票据市场仅对投资级企业开放。该市场所出现的问题将再度引发人们的担忧,即当前的流动性危机正从房地产市场和金融领域向美国经济其它领域蔓延。
Li_3V_2 ( PO_4)_3 Synthesised by Carbon-Thermal Reduction Technical Study Use Commercial Grade Raw Material 利用工业级原料碳热还原法合成Li3V2(PO4)3工艺研究
Develop commercial grade websites or web based applications using Microsoft. NET technology. 使用.NET开发基于因特网的应用程序,或者商业级网站。
Based on the principle of attracting large and strong enterprises, the Park is planning to introduce industrial and commercial enterprises with certain grade and scale to invest. 按照招大引强原则,需引进上档次、上规模的工业企业和商业企业前来投资。
Even under daily usage, the elevators are considered commercial grade, are meant for constant visitor traffic, and are extremely well maintained. 即使在日常使用中,这些电梯也被认为是商业级,意味着恒定的游客流量,而且维护得非常好。
In terms of protecting the keys stored in the cloud, the company said: 'We use commercial grade security to protect your key data. 在保护储存在云端的钥匙方面,该公司表示,他们会用商业级安全措施保护你钥匙的数据。
The result of the commercial test show the grade& recovery of concentrate have been increased. 工业试验研究表明,改造后的阶段磨选新工艺流程可以提高精矿品位和精矿回收率。
Real-time adjustment of commercial grade of deposit 矿床工业品位的实时调控
Hunan Industrial and Commercial Bank should set up independent risk management system, make securities broker company credit grade criteria for evaluation. 湖南工行应当建立独立的风险管理制度,制定证券公司信用等级评定标准,完善授信业务管理。
The results show that groo pH can keep the freshness of kiwifruit for 3 months, its commercial good grade fruit is 100% and the weight loss of them is about 3%. 结果表明,处理组H,保存3个月,商品好果仍为100%,失重仅3%。
Chongqing Metropolis Square is a large-scale high building with the integrated function of commercial, restaurant, amusement, high grade office and hotel. 重庆都市广场是集商业、餐饮、娱乐、高档写字楼和酒店于一体的大型多功能高层建筑。
This research centered around glycyrrhiza, glycyrrhiza resource, categorization, commercial specification grade, chemical composition, pharmacologic action, exploitation and utilization have been deeply comprehended; 本研究以甘草作为研究对象,对甘草的资源、分类、商品规格等级、化学成分、药理作用及开发利用进行深入了解;
The experiment was carried out at the Hebei Commercial and Technical School for four months ( Sep, 2004& Dec, 2004). Two classes of Computer major in Grade 2004 were chosen. 本研究在河北商务科技学校2004级计算机专业选取了实验班和对照班,分别采取合作学习教学法和传统教学法进行了为期四个月(2004年9月&12月)的实验研究。
Introduces the type selection of slurry separating equipment for commercial grade wet phosphoric acid, the test procedure and parameters are provided as the basis for type selection of industrial filtering equipment. 介绍商品级湿法磷酸项目中淤渣分离设备的选型试验,给出了试验的过程及参数,为工业装置过滤设备的选型提供依据。
The titled agent is prepared from a commercial fine oilwell cement of grade G, a mixture of oil and water soluble surfactants, and diesel oil for water plugging in oil reservoirs selectively. 油基超细水泥浆可用作油藏的选择性堵水剂。
The empirical analysis on the situations of implementing loan five grades classification method in commercial banks of our country is favorable to find existed question and insufficiency, and promote better popularization of the risk based loan grade classification method in our country. 对我国商业银行实施贷款五级分类法的情况进行实证分析有利于发现这一方法在实施过程中存在的问题和不足,促进贷款风险等级分类法在我国的更好推广。
Commercial Trial-production and Properties of High Strength Vanadium Bearing Hot Rolled Reinforced Bar of 460 MPa Grade 460MPa级高强度含钒钢筋的生产试制和性能
The purpose of this paper is: 1 building the local inspecting curve of the 4 non-disrepair methods which are available to the commercial concrete with the grade from C20-C80; 本文的研究目的是:1建立常用的4种非破损检测方法对强度在20MPa~80MPa范围内的商品混凝土进行非破损检测的地方测强曲线;
Index; how to determine commercial grade factors for Xixia rutile deposit in Henan Province 河南西峡金红石矿工业品位指标研究
Commercial test on increasing the grade of Dongshan concentrator 提高东山选厂精矿品位的工业试验研究
Commercial banks of our country control loans risk by managing the risk grade of single loan, which need adjusted in order to meet with the fierce competition. 我国商业银行通过控制单笔贷款的风险等级实现控制总体贷款组合风险等级目标的方式亦需要在趋于白热化的竞争中开始变革,以适应不断变化的外部环境。
There exist difference in commercial grade composing of 4 varieties in mature period, and the most defference of A+ B-grade and A-grade was 18.8% and 27.0% respectively; 成熟期4个品种的鲜块商品等级构成存在差异,A+B级品和A级品分别最大相差18.8%和27.0%;
Purpose: Designing a set of downstream extracting craft and technical parameters that can be used in commercial production. Making the HA product reach the quality requirements of cosmetic grade HA. 目的:研究出一条可用于微生物发酵法生产HA的完整的下游分离工艺路线及其技术参数,使发酵的HA产品达到化妆品级HA的质量标准。
Through small-scale test and commercial test, without reducing the grade and recovery of copper in partial-selectivity flotation, the recoveries of copper, gold and silver are increased to 1.082%, 8.141% and 2.020% respectively by using new reagent BJ-306. 通过小型试验和工业试验,在保证部分优先选铜精矿品位和作业回收率的前提下,采用新药剂BJ-306,铜、金、银回收率分别提高了1.082%、8.141%、2.020%。
The yields and commercial grade were lifted up in 12.2%, 8.9% respectively; 烤烟产量、中上等烟比例分别提高12.2%、8.9%;
The commercial grade of rex fur rose when the skin area increased. 同时随皮张面积的增加,獭兔皮的商业等级也在提高。
Through the composition of the urban commercial district, grade and morphology, gradually understanding the formation mechanism of the urban commercial district and operating mechanism, as well as the impact of urban commercial district and the general law of development. 通过阐述城市商圈的构成、等级与形态,逐步了解城市商圈的形成机理和运行机制以及城市商圈一般影响因素和发展规律。